Saba Karim

Saba Karim

Pipeline Manager, Techstars

Techstars is the Worldwide Network that helps entrepreneurs succeed, at which Saba Karim is responsible for sourcing startups and managing the pipeline across the world. Each year, we choose over 400 companies to join our three month mentorship-driven accelerator, investing $120K and providing hands-on mentorship and access to the Techstars Network for life. In the past Saba has helped launch a number of startups: Evolve for iPhone – Acquired by Hubspot (NYSE:HUBS), Orai App – Global Top 50 Business App in the App Store, and CUB – Australia’s most exclusive business club. Saba has also worked with world- renowned organizations: Harvard University, Telstra Corporation, Universal (NBC). Saba’s passion is with startups and disruption (#startupsruntheworld). Seeing motivated founders challenging the status quo and making meaningful innovations is why he gets up every morning. If you think he can empower you to bring your idea to life, or introduce you to the right people, please reach out. He is dedicated to mentoring all kind of startups, from organic matcha companies to challenger banks (#GiveFirst)