
Arisha Ali

Arisha is a graduating senior at Trinity University. Over the summer of 2019, she interned at the Mellon Initiative.

IPN Student Spotlight: Arisha Ali, Senior at Trinity University

Arisha is from the Southeast region. Over the summer of 2019, she interned with the Mellon Initiative as a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow. 

As a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, Arisha had the opportunity to contribute to a book-length project about the education of Muslim leaders in accredited North American institutions. This project analyzes impact of multifaith educational models on the development of North American Muslim leaders, such as Muslim chaplains, pastors, and spiritual caregivers. Arisha’s interest lies in how religious groups, such as Sikhs and Muslims, face hate crimes, and hopes to work in the non-profit sector to combat these issues. Her professional goals are to earn a Ph.D. in the field of Islamic Studies, continue working in the non-profit sector, and continue the legacy of professors by inspiring students to continue to learn about marginalized groups. Congratulations Arisha on your achievements, and good luck on the road to your Ph.D! 

You can connect with Arisha through LinkedIn: Arisha Ali

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