
IPN Career Panel : Webinar on Saturday, February 11th 2017 – Capital Hill Careers

Capital Hill Careers : Webinar on Saturday, February 11th
Curious about how the legislative branch works? Ever wanted to work for a Senator or Member of Congress? Join the webinar on February 11th where Sophia Lalani, Defense and Foreign Policy Advisor to Senator Cory Booker & Nadir Vissanjy, Chief of Staff at LyftCare and former Congressional Aide to Congressman Michael Honda will discuss Careers on Capital Hill.

Capital Hill Careers : Webinar on Saturday, February 11th

Curious about how the legislative branch works? Ever wanted to work for a Senator or Member of Congress? Join the webinar on February 11th where Sophia Lalani, Defense and Foreign Policy Advisor to Senator Cory Booker & Nadir Vissanjy, Chief of Staff at LyftCare and former Congressional Aide to Congressman Michael Honda will discuss Careers on Capital Hill.

Date: Saturday, February 11th at 12pm EST

Register: Here

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