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The Ismaili Connection Podcast

The Ismaili Professionals Network (IPN) presents its first podcast: The Ismaili Connection. We’ll speak with professionals from all walks of life and across all industries to bring you compelling stories about their career journeys. We’ll laugh. We’ll learn. And we’ll connect.

Episode 1 will be available soon. If you have someone you think should be interviewed by us, email us [email protected].


Alliances List

IPNOnline has the following alliances:

Entrepreneurship and Ventures Alliance (EVA)

Alliance to foster the professional development of Ismailis with (or seeking) a career in entrepreneurship and venture-related work.


Finance Alliance (Finance)

Alliance to bring together Ismaili professionals working in the financial industry or in finance-related roles and provide a space to network and share insights and experiences.


Ismaili Media and Communications Alliance (IMCA)

Alliance for Ismaili media and communications professionals to connect, develop, and foster dialogue and opportunities.


Ismaili Professionals in Education & Academia (IPEA)

Alliance to connect Ismaili professionals with a background in education and/or academia and foster opportunities for knowledge exchange and dialogue.


Legal Alliance (Legal)

Alliance to provide a space for Ismaili legal professionals to connect, exchange knowledge, and support each other as well as to provide mentorship opportunities and legal support to members of the Jamat.


Public Service Alliance (Public Service)

Alliance to cultivate a community for Ismaili professionals who work in the public service and provide opportunities to exchange knowledge and mentorship areas within the field.


Technology Alliance (Technology)

Alliance to bring together Ismaili professionals working in technology and technology-facing positions in order to provide opportunities to network, collaborate, and exchange dialogue and mentorship.


Women’s Alliance (Women)

Alliance to foster a support system of other professional women in the Jamat to share insight, experience, and opportunities to collaborate with and mentor other women.


Ismaili Artists Alliance (IAA)

The purpose of the Ismaili Artists Alliance (IAA) is to unite Ismailis pursuing the Arts through mentorship, skill building, collaboration, service, and support.





Why Join IPN?

Dear Fellow Ismaili Professional:

Welcome to the new and improved IPNOnline website! The website has been re-designed from the group-up to be mobile friendly, facilitate easy registration by LinkedIn login, and soon to have a powerful search engine that will enable the easy search and connection with Ismaili Professionals. The site is still a work in progress but important that you sign-up and encourage others to do so too.  Please read below to learn more.

– IPN USA Leadership Team

What is IPN?
As a community we often do not have a good understanding or appreciation of what other Ismailis are working on and how we can be of assistance to one another. The IPN aims to help better connect us through a professional community founded on three primary goals: Career Advancement, Collaboration, and Contribution.

Don’t know who the Ismailis are? Read more about us here.

Why Join?
You might be asking….why do we need a network for Ismaili professionals? The key reasons individuals are members of IPN are the opportunity to learn about each other, provide opportunities for collaboration, and to leverage our professional experience and expertise to help one another. Specifically IPN aims to provide:

Career Advancement – Learn about 1) job / internship opportunities, 2) opportunities for professional advancement, continuing education, lifelong learning, 3) “universal skills” (i.e. negotiations, personal brand, etc.) for your career, 4) hear from successful professionals within the community and learn from their journey

Opportunities for Collaboration – Leverage the IPN platform to 1) connect with relevant Ismailis professionals, 2) be aware of what other Ismaili Professionals are doing in your field, and 3) explore joint business opportunities. In order to enable targeted collaboration opportunities, IPN has also been rolling out new Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to connect industry professionals. To date, SIGs have been rolled out for Finance, Technology, Public Service, and International Professionals. Plans are in place to continue to roll-out additional sectors. Any members interested in taking on a SIG leadership role can contact us here.

Meaningful Opportunities for Contribution – Assist fellow Ismailis, share job opportunities & recruit, learn about seva opportunities – including international opportunities.

What can I do on the Website?
For now the main features of the website are to register and update your profile, be able to sign-up for various email newsletter communications including Special Interest Groups, and to be able to browse upcoming events, professional spotlights, and more. Soon we plan to release a powerful member search engine and opportunities to share and browse jobs and internships.

Who Can Join?
IPN’s goal is for its members to collaborate and help one another advancing the entire Ismaili professional community. Members should have a desire and dedication to the development and advancement of themselves, others, and the broader Ismaili community. Current members range from college graduating students, early and mid career professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs.

I joined in the past, why do I need to join again?
The previous IPN platform (built over 10 years ago) was substantially out of date. IPN has completely overhauled its technology platform to be simplified, mobile friendly, and to have a powerful search engine. Most importantly instead of having to recreate your profile on IPN – you can simply leverage your LinkedIn profile through one click. By updating the data and connecting to the new system – we can ensure updated information and streamlined communications for everyone.

How do I Join?
Great question – just click here and follow the instructions. By using your LinkedIn account to sign-up – it can take 60 seconds or less! For any technical problems signing up, please email us at [email protected].