
Dr. Zahra Jamal

Dr. Zahra Jamal is Associate Director for Community Engagement at Boniuk Institute for Religious Tolerance at Rice University. She has taught at Harvard, MIT, University of Chicago, among others, Zahra has consulted for the UN, State Department, AKDN, and Aspen Institute. She received her Ph.D. from Harvard.

IPN Spotlight: Dr. Zahra Jamal (Associate Director for Community Engagement at Boniuk Institute for Religious Tolerance, Rice University)

Dr. Zahra Jamal is Associate Director for Community Engagement at Boniuk Institute for Religious Tolerance at Rice University. She has taught at Harvard, MIT, University of Chicago, among others, Zahra has consulted for the UN, State Department, AKDN, and Aspen Institute. She received her Ph.D. from Harvard.

What skills have helped you in your career?
• Research
• Analysis
• Communication
• Cultural sensitivity
• Multi-tasking
• Leadership/management
• Problem-solving

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Retained better work-life balance, sought out more mentors.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
Everyday, I try to learn something new within and outside my field, be it through reading, workshops, learning from mentors, etc.

What is next for you in your career?
I’m open to whatever opportunities and blessings emerge.

What advice would you offer to others?
Ask yourself how every decision you make (be it related to education, career, family life, how you spend free time, etc.) is good for you, your family, the Jamat, the Imamat, future generations. Remember that your education and career are a means to enable you to understand and serve creation, and to leave the world a better place. So, be generous with your time, knowledge, and skills in serving society, and balance that with remembrance and prayer.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Deciding on MA vs. PhD
• Bridging academia and policy/nonprofit world
• Developing and harnessing ground-level analysis to drive policies/programs

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