
Ignite Summit 2017 – Vancouver, BC on the weekend of October 27th-29th 2017

Launched in 2012, Alliance Conference Canada (ACC) began as a platform to facilitate strategic business and professional alliances. In these 5 years, ACC has grown beyond alliances into a highly anticipated, annual forum for Ismaili business and professional leaders to leverage our community’s diverse social, intellectual and economic strengths.

The first 5 years were just the beginning. Welcome to 2017.

Launched in 2012, Alliance Conference Canada (ACC) began as a platform to facilitate strategic business and professional alliances. In these 5 years, ACC has grown beyond alliances into a highly anticipated, annual forum for Ismaili business and professional leaders to leverage our community’s diverse social, intellectual and economic strengths.

To help realize Mawlana Hazar Imam’s priorities for the Diamond Jubilee year, we are especially challenged to think bigger and act bolder – to harness our knowledge capital, to shape our future, and build for generations to come.

We are proud to introduce IGNITE SUMMIT 2017 focused on catalyzing our professional and personal growth.

We welcome seasoned, aspiring and early-career professionals, entrepreneurs, and alliance members to join us on the weekend of October 27-29, 2017 in Vancouver, BC.
▪ Collaborate with business owners, entrepreneurs, investors and luminaries
▪ Leverage scale and identify best practices
▪ Enable professional growth and development
▪ Drive disruptive thinking and value creation

This is your personal invitation – please mark your calendar now. Early bird registration launches this summer, and more details will be shared over the coming weeks.


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