
IPN Women’s Alliance : Application Deadline is Tuesday, April 2nd 2019 -The IPN Women’s Alliance Success Mentors Program

Apply to be apart of IPN Women’s Alliance Success Mentors program by Tuesday, April 2nd 2019. This program aims to group the right individuals together so that mentors become enablers of success.

The IPN Women’s Alliance Success Mentors program aims to group the right individuals together so that mentors become enablers of success.

The commitment entails two hours each month for twelve months.
Communication with your mentors/mentees can be in person, on the phone, and/or through free apps such as Skype or Google Hangout.

– Gain qualitative and subjective counselling and be inspired by your mentor to believe you are capable of producing, executing and achieving.
– Learn through experience and observation, often sidestepping obstacles and hurdles due to your mentor’s willingness to gift experience and tangible, transferable advice.
– Define and set long-term goals with appropriate steps to realize those goals.
– Gain a support system of other professional women in the jamat
– Insight into industries and experiences based on experiences of others in your circles

– The chance to pass on all you have learned about good business to someone who will benefit from your experience.
– To practice your managerial skills and guide your mentee through a key stage in their career.
– A boost to your own career by adding mentor-ship to your skillset.
– You’ll learn as much from your mentee as they do from you.

Apply to be apart of IPN Women’s Alliance Success Mentors program by April 2nd.

Email: [email protected]
Application Link:

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