
Muneerah Merchant

Muneerah started her professional career as a management consultant. She worked for over 10 years at Price Waterhouse Coopers and The Parthenon Group. In 2005, Muneerah transitioned to the non-profit sector and has since focused her efforts on non-profit management and philanthropy.

IPN Spotlight: Muneerah Merchant (VP of Philanthropy, Khan Academy)

Muneerah started her professional career as a management consultant. She worked for over 10 years at Price Waterhouse Coopers and The Parthenon Group. In 2005, Muneerah transitioned to the non-profit sector and has since focused her efforts on non-profit management and philanthropy. She has a passion for working with organizations that provide quality and affordable education access nationally and globally. Currently, she is a member of the senior leadership team for Khan Academy and serves as its Vice President for Philanthropy.

Muneerah has also been involved as a volunteer with the Aga Khan Council for USA and various related institutions and committees since 1999. Her work has focused on quality of life improvement efforts, volunteer engagement and institutional strengthening. Muneerah is presently the President for the Aga Khan Council for Western USA. Muneerah holds a Bachelor degree in Mathematics from Smith College, a Master in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from Northwestern University and a Master in Business Administration from Harvard University.

What skills have helped you in your career?
• Communication/interpersonal skills
• Ability to work successfully in cross-functional teams
• Problem solving skills
• Ability to prioritize and deliver consistently
• Being a good mentor/coach for my team
• Strong analytics

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Starting my career as a management consultant was great but I wish I had transitioned sooner from consultancy to a position in corporation. I wish I had known more about non-traditional career pathways and had more mentors who could have guided me.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
• Attend conferences; focus on education dialogue
• Follow key publications on education and philanthropy
• I am part of 2-3 groups that focus on development, women in development. The network is very beneficial for both my personal and work advancement

What is next for you in your career?
Double the funds raised by Khan Academy in next three years (from $50-100M) so we can continue to deliver on our mission.

What advice would you offer to others?
• Follow your passion and success will follow
• Don’t be afraid to walk away from a ‘cushy’ job if it isn’t giving you the personal satisfaction
• Something I tell my 13-year-old daughter… be good in English and Math and you can be successful in many career paths

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Advice on people seeking a career in non-profit/Ed tech
• Career transition
• Work life balance

Please provide the link to your LinkedIn profile:
Muneerah Merchant


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