
IPN Networking Mixer : Irving, TX on Thursday, June 1st 2017

Are you an Ismaili professional or entrepreneur? Would you like the opportunity to network with others like yourself? If yes, join us for a Networking Mixer in Irving, TX on Thursday, June 1st 2017 from 5:30pm-7:00pm.

Whether you work in medical, legal, education, finance, or another industry – this is an event designed for you. You will make new connections and strengthen old friendships. Come unwind and socialize with local Ismaili professionals and entrepreneurs. You’ll make great connections in a fun & relaxed atmosphere while expanding your network of contacts to help fuel your own career, business goals, or just make friends. Enjoy a meal, drinks, or just appetizers with other Ismaili Professionals – each person will be responsible for their own bill, so there is no formal cost to attend.

For more information and to register click Here!


IPN Finance SIG : Webinar on Sunday, May 21st 2017 – Careers in Finance & Introduction to IPN on Wall Street for Students

Interested in careers in finance or a student interested in Wall Street? Join Jamil Dewsi, Kameesh Valliani and Tabish Valliani on Sunday, May 21st 2017 from 3:00pm – 4:00pm EDT to get all the information and questions you may have on this topic answered.

Jamil Dewsi is an Analyst at Union Square Advisors. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Dewsi worked with several technology startups and interned at RBC Dominion Securities. Mr. Dewsi graduated with an HBA and a BHSc from Ivey Business School, Western University. He is from Toronto, Canada.

Kameesh Valliani will be co-leading this webinar. A student, member of the IPN Finance SIG group and incoming Summer Analyst at Lazard. He is currently at the University of Texas at Austin, Class of 2018.

Tabish Valliani will also be be co-leading this webinar. A student and member of the IPN Finance SIG group as well. He is an incoming Summer Analyst at Evercore and member of the Carnegie Mellon University, Class of 2018.

Click Here to register for the webinar!


VIDEO: Ethical Consideration for the Future of A.I. (February 26, 2017)


IPN Technology SIG : Ethical Consideration for the Future of A.I. – Nabeel Gillani
Webinar was held on Sunday, February 26, 2017

Program Overview

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence have tremendous potential to support advancements in Science and Medicine. However, there is a need to understand the implications and mitigating factors for overcoming ethical & other associated challenges arising from such advancements. Nabeel Gillani (Spotlight), former Rhode Scholar and a graduate student and researcher in the Lab for Social Machines at the MIT Media Lab, spoke about “filter bubbles” on social media, mitigating discrimination in machine learning and AI implications on the future workforce, in the webinar held on February 26, 2017.

Speaker Profile

Nabeel is a graduate student and researcher in the Lab for Social Machines at the MIT Media Lab. His research combines data science, machine learning, and sociology to build tools that promote the positive use of artificial intelligence and social platforms for society. Previously, Nabeel was a Product Manager at Khan Academy, where he helped design and implement online technologies for students and educators around the world. He is also a co-founder of, a digital experiential learning platform that helps lifelong learners from over 100 countries revamp their workplace-relevant skills by working with companies to solve real-world problems. Nabeel graduated with a ScB in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Brown University, and Master’s degrees in Education and Machine Learning from the University of Oxford, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

The presenter(s) have granted permission for use of this content for IPN members only.  Please do not share this content outside of IPN without requesting permission from the presenter(s).


IPN Bites : Houston, TX on Thursday, May 11th 2017

IPN Bites is a platform where Ismaili professionals meet on a monthly basis over a bite to eat. It provides a platform to:
– Network
– Learn from experts
– Collaborate

Join us for networking with other Ismaili professionals-
When: Thursday, May 11th, 6 PM
Where: BOSTA Kitchen
1801 Binz Street Suite 130
Houston, TX 77004

Appetizers sponsored by AKF

RSVP Here!



Adiba Karimi

IPN Spotlight: Adiba Karimi (Care Manager, Independence Care System)

Adiba grew up in Khorog, Tajikistan. She currently works as a Care Manager at the Independence Care System, Medicaid Health Plan. She has a Master’s of Social Work from Columbia University in New York and a Bachelors degree in Linguistics from Khorog State University. Her previous professional experience includes positions at UNICEF Health and Education Programs, AKDN AKF Health Education Program, ACTED Hygiene Program and Project Hope. Adiba has experience in management and working with non-profits.
Her seva work started in 1995 when Mawlana Hazir Imam for the first time visited Tajikistan. Currently she serves as a member of the National Council developing strategies for IFF (Inter Faith Families) and murids from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria and Tajikistan (AIST).

What skills have helped you in your career?
• Speaking Russian, Tajik, Farsi and English
• Teamwork
• Problem solving
• Using ethics in my work

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
Internationally managing health centers

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
Every single day is learning process for me, reading books, conversation with others, learning from my colleagues. Thinking of pursuing PhD

What advice would you offer to others?
I would quote Mawlana Sultan Muhammadshah (Salawat) “Life will have many disappointments. If one fifth of one’s hopes is realized one is extremely lucky and fortunate, so do not be discourages by disappointments.”

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Remember you are unique as a human being and you can bring unique skills and ideas to bring changes and improvements
• Do not be afraid to make mistakes or fail
• Treat every single employee with dignity, be it your boss or the cleaner, or the security

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Purnur Ilolova

IPN Spotlight: Purnur Ilolova (Program Manager, Office of International Development at Indiana University Bloomington)

Purnur Ilolova received her Specialist Diploma in Finance and Credit from Technological University of Tajikistan and her Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs from Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Prior to assuming her role as Program Manager with the Office of International Development, Purnur served as the Oncology Unit Coordinator of Indiana University Health – Bloomington Hospital, and as the Finance Department Assistant at the Aga Khan Foundation, USA. A world traveler, she is consistently looking for opportunities to contribute to building reliable institutions, and cultivating active civil society in order to improve the quality of life in developing and developed countries. Purnur currently holds a Program Manager position with the Office of International Development within Indiana University, manages US Department of State funded projects with Mongolia, Italy, Myanmar, Sub Saharan Africa, India and Pakistan.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Regional/Area study expertise

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I wish I had been a bit more flexible and realized that not everything you do has to be so tailored towards your desired career. Oftentimes, some of the experiences that come from taking a risk and going for an opportunity that might seem unrelated or less obvious prove to be the most valuable. At the same time, it’s important to stay focused and to make time to enrich yourself so that you stay fresh and continue to enhance the skills you already have for future opportunities and advancement.

What is next for you in your career?
Graduate school

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
Read, network and explore

What advice would you offer to others?
Reaching out to people in your circle

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Grad school admission
• Career consult in the same field
• Networking

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.


Ismaili Professionals Conference : New York, NY on Saturday, May 6th 2017

The Power of Win Win?

Success and career advancement directly relates to the professional network that you cultivate. Join us for a unique, TED-talk like event designed to give diverse professionals a chance to network, exchange ideas and increase there career success putting them ahead of the rat race.

Join us May 6th for the 1st Northeast IPN/IHPA/IPEA Professionals Conference on Saturday, May 6th, 2017 from11:30am-4:00pm EST.

The Kimmel Center: NYU
60 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012

Click Here to know more!



IPN Entrepreneurship Summit : Dallas, TX on Saturday, May 20th 2017

Do you have entrepreneurial aspirations? Would you like to take your existing business to the next level?

Whether you are a college student, professional (in any industry), existing entrepreneur, or investor – the IPN Entrepreneurship Summit has something for you. You will make new connections, hear from other entrepreneurs on their journeys, and get connected to the Dallas Entrepreneurial eco-system.
We have entrepreneurial speakers from all stages of their business journey – some of our speakers will be Ismailis while others will be from outside the community.

Meet someone who has invented a new fitness product and is taking it to market now. Meet an entrepreneur who has grown his business to 24+ retail locations in luxury professional service business. Meet an entrepreneur who has successful existed from his business and is now an investor. Meet a super-star entrepreneur from our community – Rahim Charania will be our keynote address and is traveling in from Atlanta just for this event!

You don’t want to miss the IPN Entrepreneurship Summit, which will be held on Saturday May 20th, 2017 from 9am-6pm in Dallas. There will be an optional dinner networking program at nearby restaurant.

To learn more about the Summit click Here!

Tickets Types: –
– Event ticket (9am-6pm) – $25/person
– Event ticket (9am-6pm + Dinner networking function in the evening) – $50/person


IPN Networking Mixer : Dallas, TX on Thursday, May 4th 2017

Are you an Ismaili professional or entrepreneur? Would you like the opportunity to network with others like yourself?
Whether you work in medical, legal, education, finance, or another industry – this is an event designed for you. You will make new connections and strengthen old friendships.

Join us for the Networking Mixer on Thursday, May 4th 2017 from 5:30pm-7:00pm CST in uptown Dallas.

Come unwind and socialize with local Ismaili professionals and entrepreneurs. You’ll make great connections in a fun & relaxed atmosphere while expanding your network of contacts to help fuel your own career, business goals, or just make friends. Enjoy a meal, drinks, or just appetizers with other Ismaili Professionals – each person will be responsible for their own bill, so there is no formal cost to attend.


 Generate Leads
 Find Referrals
 Meet like-minded professionals from all industries
 Promote your business or service
 Learn new trends and technical skills from different industries
 Recruit talented professionals
 Find your next opportunity
 Have fun and make some new friends!

RSVP here!


Farah Mohamed

IPN Spotlight: Farah Mohamed (Managing Editor, The WorldPost at The Huffington Post)

Farah is the Managing Editor of The WorldPost, a partnership between The Huffington Post and the Berggruen Institute focused on global news. Hired to help launch The WorldPost, her role includes running the news and op-ed sections of the website, overseeing coverage and social media promotion of produced content and soliciting and editing features and analysis on a variety of international breaking news stories and trends, including the Syrian conflict, China in Africa, rising Islamophobia and the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Prior to The WorldPost, Farah reported for HuffPost Politics, McClatchy’s Washington Bureau and The Washington Post, where her coverage of young Muslim immigrants following the Boston bombings landed her a Washington Post Metro cover story.

Farah majored in journalism and earned a double minor in international studies and Arabic at American University in Washington, DC. She also lived and studied in Amman, Jordan soon after the beginning of the Arab Spring.

What skills have helped you in your career?
Persistence, passion and perspective. Though not skills by definition, these key traits are what make the difference between working in a job related to your desired career and actually nailing that job. While core skills of my profession have proven key to career advancement, I’ve found that some of the most meaningful and rewarding experiences come from the tough decisions made under pressure.

What do you wish you had known or done differently throughout your career?
I wish I had been a bit more flexible and realized that not everything you do has to be so tailored towards your desired career. Oftentimes, some of the experiences that come from taking a risk and going for an opportunity that might seem unrelated or less obvious prove to be the most valuable. At the same time, it’s important to stay focused and to make time to enrich yourself so that you stay fresh and continue to enhance the skills you already have for future opportunities and advancement.

What is next for you in your career?
Journalism is an interesting field in that it’s always changing and new challenges are always presenting themselves. Today is perhaps one of the most difficult times to be a journalist, but also one of the most important. Increasing worldwide polarization and negativity towards news media only inspire me to continue to hold leaders accountable and make sure the voices and stories of those whose views often go unheard and untold are no longer brushed aside. I’m also very much committed to expanding the way in which media outlets cover world news, be it including more on-the-ground voices, greater country and continent diversity or doing a better job at reporting on Muslims, Islamophobia and terrorism.

What do you do for continuing education and improvement?
I don’t like the term media diet, but I do try to have one. I have a variety of news outlets — newspapers, blogs, online media, cable news — that I check out everyday. I also listen to podcasts, follow other journalists on Twitter, subscribe to daily newsletters and bookmark longer pieces to read later on when I have more time. I think it’s crucial, especially in my field, to be caught up on everything and to know the latest media trend making an impact. I also think it’s useful to try to network with people in your field so that you know what people outside of your office are doing and have a group of people to go to if and when you want to make a change.

What advice would you offer to others?
Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t be afraid to pursue a career that might appear less traditional or more risky. Don’t settle for something that pays better if you’re not really passionate about it. Don’t be intimidated by competitive or toxic peers and co-workers. Work hard and be resilient and creative. There will be a lot of circumstances in which you’ll find yourself having to fend for yourself without much direction. It’s easy to give up or be cynical in these cases, but figuring out how to fix or solve the situation, even when it seems above you, will give you immense confidence and satisfaction — and your superiors will likely notice.

Areas where you can help other Ismailis:
• Editing/writing advice
• Social media strategies
• Op-ed writing guidance
• Expertise in international affairs, especially in the Middle East

If you would like to nominate someone to be a part of the spotlight, click Here.